Nintendo DSi XL (LL) Europe Release Date vs Price 2010 | Ishopvideogame

Publié le par ishopvideogame

Nintendo DSi LL, the latest arrival of Nintendo DSi consoles, has been available on the Japanese in November 23, 2009. Up to now, there is only one Japan version on the current market. However, it is rumored that recently DSi LL Europe edition is going to be released.

Here let us learn more about Nintendo DSi LL from two aspects: release date and release price.
Firstly, let us focus on its release date.

According to reliable sources, Nintendo DSi LL Europe edition is going to be released in early 2010. There are some ones that are brave to guess the detailed time may be February 19, 2010. There is some evidence that these words have hints.

Secondly, let us go on talking about the price that Nintendo DSi LL may be.

It is well-known that Nintendo DSi LL gains its name from “Larger screen, larger touch pen.” Its Japan edition sells $300 by its official side. But some online stores sell it by a cheaper price. For example, sells it for $269.99.

Let us go back to the Nintendo DSi LL Europe edition. According to some professionals, the Europe edition might be cheaper than Japan edition. Although exact figures are not known, some experienced gamers guess that it may be around $249. And it may be much cheaper if you buy it online.

Regrettably, there way no news about Nintendo DSi LL American edition release date and price. But some professionals say that DSi LL is going to sell like hotcakes in Europe. It is closely related to its larger-screen and larger-touch pen design. This special design answers precisely to European people’s larger hands.


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